Here at Tir Na Nog Press, we believe in creatives. We believe in authors who want to tell amazing stories, artists who want to create beautiful covers and concept art, editors who strive to perfect every manuscript, and so much more.
Through tireless work, we strive to bring books into the world that our readers are dying to consume.
Izzy Shows made her debut as an author in January of 2017, but according to her, she should really get credit for that book she wrote when she was seven about squirrels invading her house. Maybe don’t tell her how crazy that sounds.
On the off chance that she isn’t chained to her computer, you can likely find her at a crazy LARP, or hunkered down with a thousand language books, or playing putt putt with her friends.
Non-submission emails can be sent to Izzy at izzy at tirnanog dot press